Hi, I'm Miki, a full-on creative.
Born and raised in Krakow, Poland, a city of art and culture. Currently living in Leicester, UK.
I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree in UX Design at Loughborough University, while also looking for junior roles in the product design space.
What kind of designer am I?
- one that understands developers - with my background in web development, I can easily understand HTML and CSS (and a bit of JavaScript too!)
- one that thinks that good visuals speak more than a thousand words - doing freelance graphic design for the last year taught me how crucial visual communication is to create a successful product
Outside design...
- I make beats with my cousins - I'm a semi-amateur musician that plays guitar, bass, and piano
- I take photos of buildings and still life- I'm a big fan of finding beauty in a mundane reality
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